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D G Herring is being published in New Isles Press

We are so very proud to announce even more success for our first published author, D G Herring, whose chapbook, The Sheliand, was our initial foray into publishing.

David’s poetry has appeared in South Poetry Magazine, Dreich, Nangle’s The Occasional Poetry Magazine, and is forthcoming in Poetry Salzburg Review 41 … and next week sees the publication of his magnificent work, Posthumous Papers, in the next edition of New Isles Press, alongside the Welsh Poet Laureate, Ifor ap Glyn.

You can buy a copy of this edition from Yellow House Publishing here.

Congratulations, David! So lovely to see your poetic creativity go from strength to strength, and to have played a small part in your story.

25 January

Bournemouth Writing Festival - Writing Competition Launch: Lines in the Sand

27 April

DG Herring performs at the Bournemouth Writing Festival